Thursday, March 29, 2007

Quick Update

ok sorry that I haven't written anything in so long. Life here has been really crazy, and now that Spring break is over the semester is just flying by. classes are going well, the weather is getting nicer (hey all of the snow is gone!!!),only 6 weeks to go before summer vacation and God is still in control, what isn't there to be happy about.=D
Extension is the hightlight of my week, and praise God we now have a vehicle to take every week!! Pray for our church (blessed hope baptist) they have really been through a lot these past couple of months.
well my reading is calling


Tiffany Wagner said...

Hey, you changed your background!! cool. nice pictures from the winter stuff you've been up to! I left you a reply comment on our site about not being able to see that video clip of Meg and I loaded up some more photos of her so you should go check them out. Talk to you later, call me sometime.
love, Rob

Rachel said...

I can totally relate to the craziness! I haven't updated my blog for weeks! But we're getting through by God's grace. Press on!