I went to my brothers hockey game the other night, and of all the games to go to this was the worst. See they haven't won a game yet, even though they are really trying. They lost 0-9, I left the game feeling disappointed for them;my brother and his team tried so hard and yet nothing was happening, they just couldn't get the puck in the net.
I thought how much our lives seem to be that way, everything we do looks like a failure, we just don't seem to be "winning". And we start blaming others.( i.e. the refs, the coach, or the guy who lost the break away.) You know the chips might be down, but couldn't this be a time for God to teach us perseverance and dependence on Him? We try so hard to "play the game right" and yet we still fall down. Well going to that game renewed my desire to keep on ,to keep getting up when I fall. So yes there is still life after losing, even though others think Nate's team is pointless, they are still hitting the ice with great excitement. They are getting back up each time.
Prov. 16:24